
Terms & Conditions

Please read the website terms and conditions before using the website and the products of this website.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions
Introduction and Preamble: Paragraph (1)
All the matrix of terms and conditions and the legal matrices that follow fall within the terms and conditions contained in this document, and what is stated in parts of this document acquires the legal binding character and is considered part of the contract document and complements it. You must read and agree in full to the general terms of use, and those that govern our agreements regarding the use of our sites and training services, and any special terms combined in full. If you do not agree to any provision, you are requested not to use any of our services or products. You should bear in mind that everything you see or read on the site is subject to the principles of a binding contract unless otherwise stated.
The terms and conditions of this (“Agreement”) must be read carefully as stated herein as this contract is a legally binding document, and by accepting it electronically, you agree to all the terms of this agreement on behalf of yourself and any entity or individual you represent or participate through or in any capacity, this agreement is effective and binding from the moment you complete registration in any training program or registration in the training platform.
You agree that the fact that the terms of this Agreement are in electronic form does not in any way affect its validity and legal obligation, and that it automatically acquires the status of a direct paper agreement and acquires the status of law.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Mind Training and its representatives with respect to its subject matter, and automatically supersede and cancel all other agreements, warranties, understandings, advertising and promotional acts, or what is included in the experiences of others of achievements or oral or written discussions, whether express or implied, between you and the Training Administration or its representative, whether express or implied.

This Agreement applies to all Mind Training Products conducted or confirmed through this Site or other sites and platforms / or through our mobile applications (individually and collectively) or conducted or confirmed through other mutually agreed means. You understand and agree that this Agreement is enforceable against you and any entity with whom you use or are affiliated and on whose behalf you use our Software. If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of yourself and that entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind the entity to this Agreement. The terms “you” and similar refer to you, individually, and each entity on behalf of the Subscriber.
The Subscriber acknowledges that if the Training is permanently discontinued, or is unable to complete the Training for any reason, or the news of his life is interrupted, or the Trainee (Participant) dies, or the Trainer (Instructor) dies before the Subscriber has completed the Training for any reason, he does not request anything other than knowledge.
This Agreement will survive termination of the Agreement “by you or us”. In addition, any provisions that by their nature are deemed to be in effect after the termination of this Agreement and will survive the termination of this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive.
Subscriber Rights:

You have the right: In the event of a circumstance, illness, travel, compelling excuse, or any emergency, you have the right to request a postponement of your attendance to an upcoming course, and you have the right to specify it within the schedule of upcoming courses, and you have priority in acceptance in any upcoming course, automatically and without any additional fees.
The participant has the right to attend the online distance training program while you are at home or in your office, and you do not need to travel, make reservations, or make accommodations.
You have the right to register regardless of your educational level or age.
The participant will be given a certificate of participation at the end of the course they studied, and you will receive your email stating that you have registered, and the certificate is approved by Al-Furat.
The trainee has the right to communicate with the trainer to follow up on the trainee’s condition after undergoing the training program to facilitate his obtaining unprecedented results if he is a student and to provide advice and guidance before and after exams until the goal is achieved and graduation, God willing, with unprecedented grades according to his desire.
Trainees have the right to collectively compensate for lectures if a general problem occurs in the training hall and we must replace the lecture with a lecture of the same amount of time and the same content in its natural sequence, with the exception of what occurred in a compelling malfunction that is difficult to solve or an emergency situation that is difficult for us to overcome.
You have the right to request consultations and follow up on your case after training after completing the training program to facilitate your obtaining unprecedented results and provide consultations and guidance after the training program until achieving the goal and graduation if you are a student, and this is not binding.
The participant has the right to receive theoretical, practical and psychological training that starts with you from the stage of clearing the mind and building perceptions to the stage of breaking the barriers of training with complete and practical training.

Prohibitions and prohibitions:

Participants in trainings and their platforms may not discuss their personal affiliations, talk about political matters, broadcast ideas that violate laws, incite sedition or fanaticism, or call for intellectual doctrines of all kinds, whether these groups are banned or licensed in your country. Whoever violates this shall bear full responsibility alone. With our absolute right to expel him permanently without referring to him. The participant (trainee) acknowledges and confirms that he does not belong to any group, movement, or political or intellectual organization that violates the laws of the United States of America.
It is strictly forbidden to speak on training platforms and their attachments about politics, groups, organizations, disputes, and imposing opinions. Whoever violates this shall be officially considered reckless and shall bear the consequences of his expulsion.
– Any offensive behavior that disrupts the training aspect is prohibited, such as spreading offensive ideas, questioning trainees, frustrating them, lowering their morale, or abusing a student, trainer, supervisor, or administration, whether by word or deed, public or private correspondence, or publishing discouraging links, whatever their purpose. –
Unless you are permitted to do so under a separate written and sealed agreement with the center’s management, you agree not to reproduce, photograph, copy, write, sell, trade, republish, or send the training to another party for any purpose, and you will not be excused before God or before Sharia, or before the law, and we do not allow you to do so under any justification.

It is prohibited to record audio or video lectures under any justification, and it is also prohibited to modify, sell, distribute, or derive works based on them, whether in whole or in part, unless you obtain an official written and expressly sealed permission from the center to do so, and under a separate and sealed agreement from the center’s management, while reserving all rights and legal prosecution in this regard.
It is prohibited to delve into how the exercises are presented, their system and what is related to them, and you must adhere to the exercises as they are prepared in advance without interfering with you in the progress of the exercises and their details or objecting to any of their provisions or the method and how they are presented in terms of quality and content.

It is prohibited to present opposing or discouraging ideas or publish additions that harm the training program unless we explicitly ask you to do so, and the violator exposes himself to dismissal without prior warning.
– It is prohibited to be late for exercises and daily written and audio assignments.
– It is prohibited to leave the phone open during lectures, and it is even more prohibited to open Twitter – Facebook – TV – sit with friends and family or talk during the lecture about side issues, and the violator may expose himself to bearing responsibility for his preoccupation.
– It is prohibited during the lecture to make written interventions that do not enter into the essence of the topic, whether it is an addition or an inquiry, and you must write your question and ask questions and interventions so as not to distract the attention of the participants and the trainer.
– It is prohibited to leave the lecture and stay away from the device before the end of the lecture for any reason, whatever the justification, except with prior permission, and whoever violates this is considered officially reckless and bears the consequences of his dismissal.

Training Controls and Restrictions:

In the event that the subscriber violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement in any way, Furat Center has the right to take the action it deems appropriate, including permanently banning his entry, suspending his entry to the exam, or postponing it to a future session without any responsibilities.

Furat Center reserves the right to block or prevent you from entering the site or training halls for any violation of the terms and prohibitions at any time and without the need to notify you of this and without bearing any responsibilities or claims of any kind or content.

In the event that the number of subscribers to the program is less than two-thirds, the center has the right to merge the course with another existing group or postpone it to a future session.

The subscriber confirms that he understands that his failure to comply with the terms and conditions and training instructions may lead to a number of consequences, including canceling the subscription completely without any responsibilities towards him and permanently suspending the account in the training hall and other groups.

We will not be responsible for any damage that may occur directly or indirectly due to the trainee’s interruption of training, negligence or failure in practical applications, or failure to progress in training as previously planned.
You agree that you are solely responsible for any breach of your training obligations under the terms and the consequences of such breach.

We will not bear any responsibility for the participant’s concerns, illness, travel, psychological condition, family circumstances, or any emergency that occurs to him or his family.

We are not responsible for any failure by the participant in any practical or applied duties or mental exercises that the participant does not adhere to during or after the training, whether they are private duties or like the rest of the participants in the course.

In the event that the participant is absent on the first day or any training day of the course without notifying the administration of his absence, we are not responsible for his absence, as the participant is considered to have refused to attend and is not entitled to any financial or training compensation.

The administration has the right at any time to terminate the training with you without any responsibility towards you in the event that you violate any of the terms and conditions of the training or act in a manner that clearly shows your lack of seriousness or inability to adhere to the terms and conditions.

All programs are divided into levels and the trainee does not move to the next level until he completes the previous level with all its applications and daily duties and passes the level test or repeats it in a future course.
We are not responsible for the participant’s excuses, whether they are correct and acceptable or incorrect and rejected in the event of his violation of his training and ascending sequence (daily) or his circumstances and family and marital problems and emergency circumstances and daily concerns, as they are the responsibility of the participant alone.

In the event of his failure to attend all days of the course consecutively, the participant is not entitled to claim a refund and is not entitled to claim the certificate.
Our responsibilities in training end once the training ends and is officially announced, and training and psychological and mental consultations remain available voluntarily on a permanent basis.

Training seat reservation fees are non-refundable after confirmation of the reservation.

The beginnings of training are essential in determining the general level of the participant, and accordingly the results are adopted during the integrated training period. There is no lesson for anything else that can be said. The daily follow-up of training is the basis of the general condition of the participants in the training program with its natural escalation. Any negligence by the participant is the sole responsibility of him.

Our responsibility for the results of the training is limited to those who are disciplined and serious in implementing the accompanying duties and the rest of the training instructions that they received verbally or in writing. As for those who are absent or negligent, they bear the responsibility themselves.

Our responsibility in the event of the training being stopped for any emergency of the training program is limited to completing the training program, and the participant has the right to postpone his attendance to a subsequent session if the time does not suit him or any force majeure.

Our responsibilities end if the participant is absent from the training program for two lectures during the entire training period without notifying the administration, and absence at the beginning of the session for more than half an hour from the lecturer’s entry is considered an absence (training day).
The trainer or his representative from the supervisory staff has the right to use the trainee’s interaction permanently, by mentioning the name, data, voice, writing, image, or quoting from his correspondence, pages, groups, or general and private training reports, and in any interactive production of training through our website or through our pages and without referring to him, and the administration and those in charge of it have the right to copy the training content from the content of the website, pages, and publications in whole or in part and reproduce, digitize, distribute, display, modify, document, or create derivatives from it at all times and for any purpose that the administration deems appropriate without harming anyone.

Refund Policy:

All payment obligations are non-cancellable and all amounts paid are non-refundable, regardless of personal justifications.

The fees are paid only once, and you may repeat the same course more than once in the same language or training course
Subscription fees are calculated at the beginning of the subscription and all fees and payments are non-refundable.
The present refund policy is an integral part of the binding terms and conditions document.
You will be eligible for a full refund of the fees within seven days of the date of payment as long as the first session of the course has not started and as long as the course has started even if it started minutes ago, the fees paid in advance are completely non-refundable even if you do not attend.
We reserve the right to terminate or suspend the service immediately and refuse any current or future use of the service if you violate any provision of these Terms of Service, and unless otherwise stated in these Terms of Service, the fees you pay under these Terms of Service are non-refundable. . Therefore, termination of the service does not relieve you from the obligation to pay all fees already due.
Failure to attend any training workshop or interruption or withdrawal is considered cancellation and the fees must be paid in full. No refunds or transfers will be made.

If you are unable to attend the training due to unforeseen circumstances, you can postpone or transfer to a future batch provided that you notify us in writing before the interruption. We regret that fees cannot be refunded in the event of cancellation after the first session of the course.

All changes must be reported in a timely manner
The training follows some policies and provisions for the exchange and return process,

The participant has the right to recover any amounts paid before the registration closes and before the data reaches the training room. The participant is not entitled to recover the remaining amount in the subscription after the course starts.

We have the right to cancel the participant’s subscription in three cases:
Verbal or written assault on a participant or the work team.
If he does not adhere to the training policy and violates the laws or interruption or withdrawal or refusal to attend.
Using the site and its applications or programs or communication tools for any illegal purpose.
Failure to attend the first two or more days of the training is considered a deliberate cancellation of the course and the person is not entitled to claim a refund of the course fees and must settle the situation by filling out the postponement form, otherwise he will lose all his rights.
The refund policy of the tuition fees stated in the said guarantee is the only applicable refund policy, and any fees that do not meet the conditions of that guarantee will not be refunded and the fees can be refunded through the original payment method in the event of a return.

This declaration negates ignorance and is effective from the moment of payment of the fees, which means that the participant is finally accepted into the course, and is not entitled to claim the fees in the event of withdrawal, apology or dismissal from the course, whatever the justifications.

If you have pre-registered and paid the fees for a course and then postponed attendance to the next course and started the course in which you registered, you will not be entitled to request a refund in any future course and you will only be entitled to retain the seat in the course in which you registered.

Modifications: A
While we pride ourselves on the continuity of our global courses, unforeseen events may occur, and therefore the center management reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any course or modify any course content or any assignment or any other assessment or reschedule previously offered times without giving any prior justification. The courses offered are subject to the full disclaimer sections.
The course will be held on the announced date, and Mental Exercises has the right to extend the registration period if the number is not completed, or for any reason, as needed.

Acknowledgement of Liability:

You agree and acknowledge that any breach or violation by you of this agreement may cause material or moral damages to the center for which financial compensation will not be sufficient, and therefore the center has the right to obtain judicial compensation for breach or violation of this agreement, without the need to prove actual damages, or prove the destruction of documents, even if this is necessary by nature.
You acknowledge your full knowledge and awareness that filling out the registration form to reserve your training seat is considered an official signature on the contract document and the terms and conditions, and has the force of a paper signature, and that it acquires the force of binding law directly and does not exempt you from not reading it or neglecting to understand it from adhering to all its provisions. You must take into account that everything you see or read on the site is subject to the principles of the binding contract unless otherwise stated.
You acknowledge and undertake as a party to this agreement to the following:
Comply with applicable laws at all times and legislation and regulations related to training, including – without exception – laws and regulations related to privacy protection. You have full authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement and pay the dues in accordance with the terms and conditions contained therein.
You acknowledge that if you book a course on behalf of someone, you confirm that you represent that person and act on his authority on his behalf and that he will abide by the terms of this Agreement.
When the trainee pays the training fees to the Center’s management, this is considered the beginning of the contract between the two parties according to the terms of the service provided and the date of expiry of the contract or the date of expiry of the service or exhaustion of the service.
The client acknowledges that he bears the responsibility for completing the payment and sending a copy of the receipt of payment of the fees and waiting for confirmation of its arrival to the account, and he is responsible for amending and correcting any error in the transfer data, whether the transfer was rejected or did not actually arrive for any reason. The client agrees in advance to any action required by the management in this regard.
We take violations of the terms and conditions of the Agreement seriously, and we are not obligated to provide refunds to trainees who are proven to have violated these terms, even if their requests were submitted within the specified refund period. We are also not obligated to provide a late refund to trainees who do not adhere to training duties, or who appear to us to be negligent in breaking barriers, or for not participating in practical application workshops, or for not interacting with supervisors regardless of their opinions or justifications, or who try to evade the excuse of their dissatisfaction or feeling of not progressing by comparing themselves to others and therefore you acknowledge this legally binding right.

You acknowledge your express acceptance of the terms of this document and the conclusion of the agreement between you and us; and you are bound by it in accordance with the binding law and the obligation to implement the agreement in full and that it is considered effective by force of law once you continue to use our sites and that it acquires the status of binding law once the registration step is completed, regardless of whether you have reviewed it in full or in parts thereof, and accordingly you acknowledge and confirm that you are contracting with mental exercises and that you are fully legally qualified to contract and that you were aware of all aspects of this document and have no ignorance and that you do not have the right to withdraw your consent or evade any provision of this agreement under any justification or under any applicable legal theory and whether the registration is directly from you or through any other party. Accordingly, you undertake to us that you are legally qualified to contract or under the supervision of one of your parents or relatives / or that you have all the legal approvals and procedures that authorize you to participate in the courses, and you undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions, and you also undertake that you are able to review these terms and conditions and legally abide by them. Without any division of any provision of this document. You acknowledge and agree to waive any material or moral rights (including attribution and equity) you may have under any local law granting you relief, even if any provision or exception is granted to you that violates the terms of this Agreement or is otherwise changed in your favor.

The language used on the site is English, and the language used in teaching depends on the program you registered for. Arabic is used in the following programs:
A- In memorizing the Holy Quran.
B- In teaching the Arabic language.
C- In taking a license in the Holy Quran.
D- In the Islamic Studies program.
In the English language program, English is used, and in the French language program, French is used.
All lessons in all programs are conducted through the center’s application or through the virtual application.
All educational expenses are paid in US dollars through the site, and the center does not have an agent to receive expenses manually.
You agree that the contract between you and us is for training only and nothing else.
We suggest two periods, morning and evening, and we also suggest several times for the person to choose what suits him, and he has the right to change the time whenever he wants, and he does not have the right to suggest times other than the times provided.
You agree that we will communicate with you via email or text messages, and also send you the certificate you obtained online, and if you want us to send you the certificate to your home, you bear the shipping costs.